Assigning a vehicle to a rider


Scenario 1: If you don’t have a fleet yet, follow these steps:

  • Go to the fleet management section of your carrier dashboard.
  • Click on the “Add New Fleet” button.
  • Enter the fleet details you are adding.
  • Click the toggle button to assign the fleet to a rider.
  • Choose whether to add a new rider or assign one of your existing riders from the options provided.
  • If you select “Add New Rider,” fill out the rider’s details on the form that appears before assigning the rider to the fleet.
  • If you click “Assign Existing Rider,” select an available rider from the provided drop-down menu.

Scenario 2: If you already have a fleet and want to assign a vehicle to a rider, here’s what to do:

  • In the fleet management section, you’ll find a list of fleets not yet assigned to a rider.
  • Click on the “Eye” icon to view the fleet details
  • From there, you can assign an available rider to the fleet.