Features available on Kawa


Listed below are some of our key features for businesses and individuals

  • Real Time tracking

Kawa’s real-time tracking feature helps to get the continuous and immediate monitoring of the location and status of a rider. This feature allows users to receive up-to-the-moment information without any significant delay.

  • Scheduled Deliveries

Kawa’s scheduled delivery feature allows users choose a specific date and time for the delivery of their goods or packages. This feature allows customers or users to plan and receive items or information at a time that is most convenient for them.

  • Seamless Integration

Our seamless integration gives smooth and efficient combination of different components, systems, or software applications to function as a unified and cohesive whole. Kawa’s seamless integration feature ensures various elements work together harmoniously without causing disruptions or inconveniences for the user.

  • Customizable Order System

Our customizable order system allows users to tailor and adapt the ordering process according to their specific needs and preferences. It allows users order and make payment seamlessly.

  • Customizable Pricing Model

Kawa’s customizable pricing model allows carriers to tailor the pricing of their service based on their specific needs, preferences, or usage patterns. Instead of offering a one-size-fits-all pricing structure, carriers with customizable pricing models provide flexibility for customers to choose.