Add new address

  • To add a new address to your account, go to the settings section of your individual dashboard.
  • Click on “My account.”
  • Under your default address that was added when you created your Kawa account, click on “Add a new address.”
  • Enter the recipient’s name (the owner of the delivery address you’re adding).
  • Provide a valid phone number for contact.
  • Input the house number of the delivery address you’re adding.
  • Enter a valid street name.
  • Include a landmark for reference, which should be the closest location to the delivery address.
  • Select the state where your address is located.
  • From the drop-down menu, choose the city corresponding to the state you selected.
  • You can choose to add additional information for a more detailed address description if needed.
  • Finally, click on the “Save” button to add the new address to your account. This will help you successfully add a new address to your Kawa account.